Course Description:

Immerse yourself in a comprehensive exploration of 7th chord inversions and Cycle of Fourths progressions with this in-depth course.

Delving into the harmonic realms of Major, Melodic Minor, and Harmonic Minor scale harmony, this course utilizes the nine most common and playable drop voicing string sets, including:

- Drop 2 (4321, 5432, 6543)

- Drop 3 (5321, 6432)

- Drop 2 & 3 (5431, 6542)

- Drop 2 & 4 (5421, 6532)

While this course covers music theory, its main focus is on the practical aspects of recognizing, practicing, and memorizing 7th chord inversions in all keys and in every practical position on the guitar.

Emphasizing the Cycle of Fourths root motion, which has been prominent in music from the era of Bach to the realms of traditional and modern jazz, this course offers invaluable insights into its application.

Unlock a deep understanding of 7th chord inversions and Cycle of Fourths progressions, empowering your musicality and expanding your guitar skills. Prepare to embark on a transformative journey through the practical foundations of harmonic mastery.

Course Tour Video:

Course Objectives:

Discover the transformative power of 7th chord inversions, the backbone of jazz and classical harmony. Investing time in mastering these inversions is a highly productive choice for your practice regimen.

As you integrate these inversions into your daily practice, you'll witness continuous growth in your reading abilities, aural skills, and technique. To guide you on this journey, the course provides a detailed six-week practice plan, ensuring you maximize your progress.

Expand your musical horizons by exploring Cycle of Fourths progressions. This will deepen your understanding of voice-leading, resolution, and composition. It's an essential skill set for both serious composers and improvisers.

Prepare to elevate your musicality to new heights. Develop a strong foundation in jazz and classical harmony, and unlock your creative potential. Embrace the world of 7th chord inversions and Cycle of Fourths progressions through this comprehensive course.

Free Course Samples:

Starting Chord: Root Position

Starting Chord: First Inversion

Click here for more free video samples!)

What's included?

  • Video Lessons

    4K videos with multiple camera angles. Speed controls for convenient practicing, checking fingering solutions, etc.

  • PDF Notation & TAB

    Hundreds of pages of PDFs with standard notation & TAB, text explanations, & fret-board diagrams.

  • Interactive Forums

    Discussion forums are included for each course chapter. Dan will personally reply and clarify any point in question.

Complete Course Curriculum

    1. Starting Chord: Root Position

    2. Starting Chord: First Inversion

    3. Starting Chord: Second Inversion

    4. Starting Chord: Third Inversion

    5. Vertical Practice: 7th Chord Inversions, C Major Harmonized Scale, Drop 2 (5432)

    6. Vertical Practice PDF, 7th Chord Inversions, C Major Harmonized Scale, Drop 2 (5432)

    7. Discussion: C Major Harmonized Scale, Cycle of Fourths​, Drop 2 Inversions (5432), Common Tones Retained, Downward Motion

    1. Starting Chord: Root Position

    2. Starting Chord: First Inversion

    3. Starting Chord: Second Inversion

    4. Starting Chord: Third Inversion

    5. Vertical Practice: 7th Chord Inversions, C Major Harmonized Scale, Drop 2 (6543)

    6. Vertical Practice PDF, 7th Chord Inversions, C Major Harmonized Scale, Drop 2 (6543)

    7. Discussion: C Major Harmonized Scale, Cycle of Fourths​, Drop 2 Inversions (6543), Common Tones Retained, Downward Motion

    1. Starting Chord: Root Position

    2. Starting Chord: First Inversion

    3. Starting Chord: Second Inversion

    4. Starting Chord: Third Inversion

    5. Vertical Practice, 7th Chord Inversions, C Major Harmonized Scale, Drop 3 (5321)

    6. Vertical Practice PDF, 7th Chord Inversions, C Major Harmonized Scale, Drop 3 (5321)

    7. Discussion: C Major Harmonized Scale, Cycle of Fourths​, Drop 3 Inversions (5321), Common Tones Retained, Downward Motion

    1. Starting Chord: Root Position

    2. Starting Chord: First Inversion

    3. Starting Chord: Second Inversion

    4. Starting Chord: Third Inversion

    5. Vertical Practice, 7th Chord Inversions, C Major Harmonized Scale, Drop 3 (6432)

    6. Vertical Practice PDF, 7th Chord Inversions, C Major Harmonized Scale, Drop 3 (6432)

    7. Discussion: C Major Harmonized Scale, Cycle of Fourths​, Drop 3 Inversions (6432), Common Tones Retained, Downward Motion

About this course

  • $59.00
  • 82 lessons